Had a problem
with fat on your stomach? There are a lot of really step to get rid of belly
fat, for example in sports, but there is also potions or drinks that we consume
to get rid of the fat, one of which is this drink!
This is an awesome
recipe to lose weight, which can reduce one cm. of excess abdominal fat in just
one day.
This drink is
not just going to burn belly fat and get rid of excess water in the body, but
is also very useful for the brain, memory, hearing and eyesight.
This drink
would be more effective if combined with cardio and regular exercise. The
following recipes that you can apply to make this amazing beverage.
Material :
125 gr radish
4 lemons
2 cm fresh
3 tablespoons
2 tablespoons
How to make :
Use a food
processor, mix the horseradish and ginger.
Squeeze the
lemon and imbuhkan to horseradish and ginger.
Blend for 3
cinnamon and honey, stirring until smooth
Save this
combination in glass bottles.
Take 1
teaspoon 2 times daily, before meals or exercise.
these drinks Throughout the three weeks.
Avail radishes
for health
Radishes can
get rid of the bacteria trigger dysentery, salmonella, tuberculosis and many
other parasites that exist in the human body. Radishes can also increase the
body's digestive benefits
stimulating the secretion of gastric, intestinal and pancreatic enzymes.
Horseradish roots are very useful for the liver, heart and flow. One again, the
horseradish root is a natural diuretic which can help fight arthritis.
In addition,
radish also helps in healing the flu, respiratory problems, tonsillitis or
urinary tract infection. Release to wash your body, radishes can also increase
the body's metabolism, reduce fatigue and stimulate the proliferation of
intestinal bacteria that disadvantage.
vegetables are low in calories and fat, but high in fiber, vitamins, minerals
and antioxidants. Radish has a mineral content of some of the most important,
including sodium, potassium, manganese, iron, copper, zinc and magnesium.
Radishes also have characteristics of anti-inflammatory, diuretic and can
reassure nervous.
Not only that,
even the radish is also abundant in vitamin C, which can boost your immune
system and fight infection. Plus, get rid of free radicals than the body that
will make the protection of cancer, inflammation and infection.
Avail ginger
for health
Same with
horseradish, ginger is also plentiful in nutrients and bioactive compounds that
are beneficial to the body and brain. Most traits of ginger for the treatment,
ie, as an anti-inflammatory and antioxidant, derived have active ingredient,
Spice this one
is very useful to get rid of nausea and vomiting after surgery and
chemotherapy. Ginger is also very effective to cope with morning sickness
during pregnancy.
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